Friday, October 9, 2009

Transitioning 101 - Pt.1

Transitioning is sorta the way it sounds.
It is the transition from chemically treated hair or processed hair back to the natural texture.

With this technique the new growth comes in and no touch-up using any relaxer or texturizer is done.

New growth is left un-tainted and natural.

After a few months many women do what is called the "Big Chop" to ONLY the chemically treated portion of the hair. Leaving only the beautiful natural new growth to flourish.

Transitioning can be a bit of a challenge. Due to the fact you must balance two textures of hair at the same time.

The trick is to have a stable routine of washing, co-washing, moisturizing and sealing on a daily basis.
This minimizes the breakage, dryness and shedding.

Mentally you also begin to worry, as you feel the difference from the flat chemical hair and your new alive new growth.
Don't be afraid, it will take some time to get familiar with your new growth.

Here are some quick tips I use as to maintain my hair during my Transitioning Journey:-

Co-wash 3-5 times a week.
Use a Leave-in-conditioner
De-tangle hair with a very wide teeth comb ( in shower with conditioner in the hair)
Air dry or T-shirt dry ( I prefer the Air dry)
Moisturize and Seal - Key is to Keep hair moisturized at all times!!!
Oil scalp- (Extra Virgin Olive oil, Castor oil)
Use protective styles- like Bantu-knots, twists, buns ( have fun find the style that works for you)

*Notice*: If you begin at any point experience severe breakage or shedding stop and evaluate your steps and product ingredients. Do a protein or moisturizing treatment assess your hair and see what it may need.

Ask these questions:

  • Does my hair shaft feel dry and tangle? (Need more moisture or a pre-poo)
  • Is my scalp itching? (may need to use a clarifying shampoo to remove product build up)
  • Did I change my diet? (Garlic supplements are good for shedding and multi-vitamins for overall health)

Remember everyone's hair is not the same. So you will have to do research and see what technique is right for you!


Just My Thoughts Pt. 3

Nappy, natural, kinky short, long, healthy hair is ABSOLUTELY matter the texture, length or color...

If you are wondering if the Big Chop is right for you do some research first.
Look at other women with the Big Chop style, as they will offer you a level of self-confidence.

Ask yourself this, do I have the strength to be myself?

Do I have Love myself enough to look in the mirror and Love my Kinky curls?

Oh wait don't assume I am talking just for the sake of sake of saying this..

I did the Big Chop and let me tell you it was one of the most FREEING experiences I ever felt.

I had long dread locks down to the middle of my back!!!
Yes, it was a shock to many of my friends, family, co-workers.

Did I lose friends YES, did I have crazy stares YES, and did I care NO!!!
Did I wonder how people were going to accept me or reject me.. Yes I did..

I did not let that stop me from remembering ..that I was Beautiful no matter what ..

I gave myself positive Affirmations!!!

Let me share a few of my affirmations in hopes that they can help you as they did for me..when I did my Big Chop..

When I look in the mirror I see beauty.
I know who I am ..

I am in Love with my curls, I love the way they bounce back
They stand at attention on the top of my head...Just like a CROWN

I am so much more than my hair
My hair does not define the powerful being that my God has created me to be...
However, I am forever grateful...

I can use my hair to enhance my beauty in whichever way I choose.
Because I AM BEAUTIFUL!!!!

My thoughts Anaiyah~

Help to get your Hair Journey started on the right Track..

If you want healthy hair you have to have the right routine
that will give your hair the maintenance it needs.

Here are a few basic products you will need to stock up on:-

You Will Need:

1 Clarifying Shampoo (ph balanced between 4.5 and 5.56.5.)
1 Moisturizing Shampoo (ph balanced between 4.5 and 5.56.5.)
1-3 Moisturizing Deep Conditioner (for co-washing days)
1 Protein Deep Conditioner
1 Leave-in Conditioner
1 Moisturizer
1 Natural Oil (to replace the sebum in the scalp)

Wide tooth comb
Satin/Silk Scarf and/or Satin Bonnet
Satin/Silk Pillow case
Extra long hair pins

*Note everyone's hair is different and so you can custom these steps to fit
your hair and your lifestyle.
*Try to get to know your hair and see what works best.
*Be patient as this may take some time (1-2 yrs) !

Here is a sample routine you can follow:-
  • - Shampoo your hair with a sulfate free moisturizing shampoo 1-2x/week (this depends on the health of your hair, may need to shampoo less )
  • - Use a moisturizing deep conditioner with heat (minimum of 30mins) after every shampoo
  • - Always follow up with a leave-in conditioner
  • - Use a water-based moisturizer 2x/day (morning & night) then seal in the moisture with a natural oil
  • - Always wear a satin/silk scarf or bonnet to bed - (or you can leave hair open, but use a satin/silk pillow case to sleep on)
  • - Touch-up at least every 12 weeks (the longer you can stretch it, the stronger the new growth)
  • - Do a protein treatment when needed (If the hair feels very limp, mushy, overly soft etc.)
  • - Trim when needed (every 6-8 weeks no more than 1/2 and inch)
  • - Use a Clarifying shampoo as it removes buildup 1-2x/month
  • - Use a wide tooth comb to comb/de-tangle your hair. This will lessen the breakage.

Anaiyah ~ Happy thoughts, Healthy Hair~

(cr:Saleemah Cartwright, Hairlista Inc)